a good time to have a mohawk

I don’t know if there’s ever a good time in a person’s life to have a mohawk. Jonah’s only 18 months old, so I don’t think anyone is going to judge him for it. People will, however, judge me for giving him that hair cut. I don’t care, though. I think he looks cute with it and the chicks dig it.

Me, on the other hand… I don’t wear a suit to work or work in an office anymore. So, it’s a perfect time for me to have a mohawk as well. Hahah!

I’ve been searching for baby hair gel and wasn’t even sure if there was such a thing. I did some research and found this hair gel from Jenerations Baby. So far it’s pretty good. It holds well without being stiff and sticky. There’s no white flakes and it smells pretty decent.